
Al contrario de lo que sugieren las fotos de tus amigos, Instagram no es solo una red social para selfies y fotos de brunch. De hecho, Instagram tiene una friolera de 700 millones de usuarios activos mensuales a partir de septiembre de 2017, de los cuales los últimos 100 millones se unieron en los cinco meses anteriores.

En un mundo donde el contenido visual permanece una parte crucial de la estrategia de marketing de cualquier empresa, marketing de Instagram presenta una oportunidad única para representar visualmente su marca, celebrar su personalidad y mantenerla presente para todos aquellos usuarios que se desplazan su Instagram se alimenta todos los días.

Aunque son pocos y distantes, hay algunas marcas en el mercado, en todas las industrias y con todo tipo de clientes objetivo, que están haciendo realmente , muy bien en Instagram.

 Obtenga los consejos esenciales para comenzar una cuenta de Instagram exitosa para su negocio.

Listo para entrar ¿Pired? Echa un vistazo a esta lista de marcas que están prosperando en Instagram en este momento, y qué pasa con sus publicaciones que las distinguen. Para cada una de estas marcas, hemos incluido ejemplos de sus mejores publicaciones. Para algunos de ellos, también hemos incluido su publicación de Instagram más popular de todos los tiempos en términos de participación (es decir, un total combinado de Me gusta y comentarios) gracias a los datos de Instagram Analytics y la plataforma de gestión Iconosquare . [19659006] Mejores marcas en Instagram

  1. Lego
  2. Califia Farms
  3. FollowMeTo
  4. Lorna Jane
  5. Letterfolk
  6. Terapia de apartamento
  7. Paris Opera Ballet
  8. Tentsile
  9. Desenio
  10. No Su ciudad
  11. Furgonetas
  12. Divinity LA Bracelets
  13. WeWork
  14. Finfolk Productions
  15. Shiseido
  16. Sephora Collections
  17. Staples

(Psst – Quiere obtener una impresionante historia de Instagram auto- mágicamente creado para su marca? Eche un vistazo StoriesAds.com un generador de historias gratis de HubSpot y Shak r. Haga clic aquí para comenzar .)

17 de los Las mejores marcas en Instagram

1. Lego

Seguidores: 2.6M

Si no sigues a Lego en Instagram, te estás perdiendo un contenido entretenido que no es solo producto para niños. [19659002] La famosa marca de bloques de construcción de plástico llena su feed de Instagram con referencias divertidas sobre cultura pop que todo el mundo apreciará, algo que muchas empresas pueden aprender en sus propias cuentas de Instagram.

Aunque la mayoría de las publicaciones de Lego sirven para anunciar el lanzamiento de nuevos personajes de Lego, el principal valor en su cuenta de Instagram es emular tropos sociales familiares en una forma clásica de Lego. Algunos de ellos son bastante impresionantes, como el carro de la princesa de tamaño natural, celebrando la reciente Boda Real del Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle.

 Lego construyó el carruaje de la princesa en Instagram, celebrando la Boda Real del Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle

Por supuesto, Lego se duplicó en la locura de la boda real con una animación estilo Lego de la novia y el novio, a continuación …

2. Califia Farms

Seguidores: 100k

Los productos de bebidas naturales de Califia Farms tienen algunos de los envases más atractivos que nos hemos encontrado. De hecho, es tan icónico que ganó los máximos honores en la categoría de diseño de empaquetado global de Beverage World Magazine.

Instagram es una plataforma perfecta para exhibir esa botella fresca y con curvas, y la gente de Califia no deja de hacer eso: la mayoría de las publicaciones de la marca muestran los envases de las bebidas de alguna forma, ya sea es el tema principal de la foto, o más de un accesorio en el contexto del estilo de vida activo y saludable que le gusta a los compradores de Califia.

 Califia Farms Instagram que muestra waffles "title =" califia-farms-instagram-5.png " caption = "false" srcset = "https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&name=califia-farms-instagram-5.png 150w , https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&name=califia-farms-instagram-5.png 300w, https: // cdn2. hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&name=califia-farms-instagram-5.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53 /hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&name=califia- farms-instagram-5.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&name=califia-farms-instagram-5.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&name=califia-farms-instagram-5.png 900w "sizes =" (max -width: 300px) 100vw, 300px  Califia Farms Instagram "title =" califia-farms-instagram-6.png "caption =" false "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/ hubfs / califia-farms-instagram-6.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 150 & name = califia-farms-instagram-6.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram -6.png? T = 1527221885826 & width = 300 & name = califia-farms-instagram-6.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-6.png?t= 1527221885826 & width = 450 & name = califia-farms-instagram-6.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia-farms-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&name=califia-farms -instagram-6.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hu b / 53 / hubfs / califia-farms-instagram-6.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 750 & name = califia-farms-instagram-6.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/califia -farms-instagram-6.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 900 & name = califia-farms-instagram-6.png 900w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Algo que Califia hace muy bien en Instagram es crea divertidos y divertidos videos y GIF. Echa un vistazo a este, que solían enseñar a los espectadores cómo crear una pasta de penne a base de vegetales:

Y este, que es simplemente divertido de ver:

3. #FollowMeTo

Seguidores: 515k

¿Has visto alguna vez esas fotos de una mujer que lleva a un hombre de la mano en diferentes partes del mundo? Esa pose se hizo famosa por una pareja llamada Murad y Natalia Osmann por su proyecto #FollowMeTo.

Su cuenta de Instagram es una mezcla de impresionantes imágenes de la clásica pose #FollowMeTo que han sido editadas maravillosamente como así como algunas fotos detrás de cámaras realmente interesantes de sus viajes por el mundo, incluyendo algunas fotos divertidas de la "creación" de la famosa pose.

 Cuenta de Instagram FollowMeTo que muestra nieve en las montañas "width =" 292 "style =" width: 292px; "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-3.png?t=1527221885826&width=146&name=follow-me-to-instagram- 3.png 146w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-3.png?t=1527221885826&width=292&name=follow-me-to-instagram-3.png 292w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-3.png?t=1527221885826&width=438&name=follow-me-to-instagram-3.png 438w, https : //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-3.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 584 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-3.png 584w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-3.png?t=1527221885826&width=730&name=follow-me -to-instagram-3.png 730w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-3.png?t=1527221885826&width=876&name=follow-me-to- instagram-3.png 876w "sizes =" (max-width: 292px) 100vw, 292px  Cuenta de Instagram FollowMeTo que muestra Chichen Itza "width =" 292 "style =" width: 292px; "srcset =" https: // cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-4.png?t=1527221885826&width=146&name=follow-me-to-instagram-4.png 146w, https: //cdn2.hubspot .net / hub / 53 / hubfs / follow-me-to-instagram-4.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 292 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-4.png 292w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/ hub / 53 / hubfs / follow-me-to-instagram-4.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 438 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-4.png 438w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53 /hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-4.png?t=1527221885826&width=584&name=follow-me-to-instagram-4.png 584w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/ hub / 53 / hubfs / follow-me-to-instagram-4.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 730 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-4.png 730w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53 /hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-4.png?t=1527221885826&width=876&name=follow-me-to-instagram-4.png 876w "sizes =" (max-width: 292px) 100vw, 292px  FollowMeTo Instagram que muestra a una mujer con vestido azul "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=146&name=follow-me-to -instagram-5.png 146w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=292&name=follow-me-to-instagram- 5.png 292w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=438&name=follow-me-to-instagram-5.png 438w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=584&name=follow-me-to-instagram-5.png 584w, https : //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-5.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 730 & name = follow-me-to-instagram- 5.png 730w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=876&name=follow-me-to-instagram-5.png 876w "sizes =" (max-width: 292px) 100vw, 292px  follow-me-to-instagram-2.png "width =" 293 "style =" width: 293px; "srcset =" https: // cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=147&name=follow-me-to-instagram-2.png 147w, https: //cdn2.hubspot .net / hub / 53 / hubfs / follow-me-to-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 293 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-2.png 293w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/ hub / 53 / hubfs / follow-me-to-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 440 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-2.png 440w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53 /hubfs/follow-me-to-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=586&name=follow-me-to-instagram-2.png 586w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/ follow-me-to-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 733 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-2.png 733w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/follow-me -to-instagram-2.png? t = 1 527221885826 & width = 879 & name = follow-me-to-instagram-2.png 879w "sizes =" (max-width: 293px) 100vw, 293px

4. Lorna Jane

Seguidores: 813k

Si tu marca fuera una persona, ¿cómo describirías su personalidad? La compañía australiana de ropa deportiva Lorna Jane ha hecho un gran trabajo respondiendo esta importante pregunta de marca con su contenido de Instagram. Dedique solo unos segundos a desplazarse por estas fotos, y podrá nombrar rápidamente al comprador objetivo de Lorna Jane: una mujer joven, deportiva, de veintitantos o treinta y tantos años, que valora verse bien mientras mantiene un estilo de vida activo.

Las imágenes publicadas por Lorna Jane, que a menudo muestran la ropa y los accesorios de la marca, así como las imágenes de mujeres que encarnan su personaje comprador, son coloridas, divertidas e inspiradoras, lo que es una representación perfecta de la esencia de la marca – en otras palabras, su corazón, alma y espíritu.

 Lorna Jane cuenta de Instagram que muestra a mujer sosteniendo un perro "title =" lorna-jane-instagram-5.png "caption =" false "srcset =" https : //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-5.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 145 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-5.png 145w, https: //cdn2.hubspot. net / hub / 53 / hubfs / lorna-jane-instagram-5.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 289 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-5.png 289w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs / lorna-jane-instag ram-5.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 434 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-5.png 434w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-5.png?t = 1527221885826 & width = 578 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-5.png 578w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=723&name=lorna- jane-instagram-5.png 723w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=867&name=lorna-jane-instagram-5.png 867w "sizes =" (max-width: 289px) 100vw, 289px  Cuenta de Lorna Jane Instagram que muestra agujeros de rosquilla y limas "title =" lorna-jane-instagram-6.png "caption =" false "srcset =" https : //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-6.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 144 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-6.png 144w, https: //cdn2.hubspot. net / hub / 53 / hubfs / lorna-jane-instagram-6.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 288 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-6.png 288w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs /lorna-jane-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=432&name=lorna-jane-instagr am-6.png 432w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=576&name=lorna-jane-instagram-6.png 576w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/lorna-jane-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=720&name=lorna-jane-instagram-6.png 720w, https: //cdn2.hubspot .net / hub / 53 / hubfs / lorna-jane-instagram-6.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 864 & name = lorna-jane-instagram-6.png 864w "tamaños =" (max-width: 288px) 100vw, 288px [19659055] Lorna Jane, mostrando a una mujer haciendo yoga "title =" lorna-jane-instagram-4.png "caption =" false  Lorna Jane cuenta de Instagram mostrando a una mujer con guantes de boxeo "title =" lorna-jane-instagram-3 .png "caption =" false

5. Letterfolk

Seguidores: 289k

Letterfolk es una pequeña empresa dirigida por un equipo de marido y mujer que crea y vende hermosos carteles de fieltro artesanales. Cada letterboard viene con un conjunto completo de caracteres para que la gente pueda personalizar las paredes de sus casas, lo que significa espacio infinito para la creatividad.

Instagram es la plataforma perfecta para inspirar a clientes y aspirantes a clientes con tableros de clientes reales, así como ideas que han ideado y organizado ellos mismos. Su contenido de Instagram es divertido, estimulante y fácil de relacionar: todas las recetas para compartir.

 Cuenta de Instagram de Letterfolk que dice que meme "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https: //cdn2.hubspot .net / hub / 53 / hubfs / letterfolk-instagram-1.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 150 & height = 150 & name = letterfolk-instagram-1.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/ letterfolk-instagram-1.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 300 & height = 300 & name = letterfolk-instagram-1.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-instagram-1.png?t = 1527221885826 & width = 450 & height = 450 & name = letterfolk-instagram-1.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=letterfolk- instagram-1.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=letterfolk-instagram-1.png 750w, https: //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&nam e = letterfolk-instagram-1.png 900w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px  Carta de la cuenta de Instagram que muestra pareja el 24 de junio de 2017 "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/ hub / 53 / hubfs / letterfolks-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 150 & height = 150 & name = letterfolks-instagram-2.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolks-instagram -2.png? T = 1527221885826 & width = 300 & height = 299 & name = letterfolks-instagram-2.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolks-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width= 450 & height = 449 & name = letterfolks-instagram-2.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolks-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=598&name=letterfolks-instagram-2 .png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolks-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=748&name=letterfolks-instagram-2.png 750w, https: // cdn2 .hubspot.net / hub / 53 / hubfs / letterfolks-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 900 & height = 897 & name = letterfolks-instagram-2.png 90 0w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

La publicación más atractiva de Letterfolk

 La publicación de Instagram más atractiva de Letterfolk "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https: // cdn2. hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=letterfolk-most-engaging.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs /letterfolk-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=letterfolk-most-engaging.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-most-engaging.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 450 & height = 450 & name = letterfolk-most-engageging.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=letterfolk -most-engageging.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=letterfolk-most-engaging.png 750w, https : //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/letterfolk-most-engaging.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 900 & height = 900 & name = le tterfolk-most-engageging.png 900w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

[ Haga clic aquí para ver la publicación.]

¿Por qué? es atractivo: Esta foto no solo muestra un mensaje divertido e inteligente, sino que también es muy, muy fácil de identificar para los padres de niños pequeños: un público muy numeroso y también uno de los clientes objetivo de Letterfolk. También es una foto muy etiquetable, por lo que la sección de comentarios está plagada de usuarios de Instagram que mencionan los nombres de usuario de sus amigos para que puedan compartir la diversión.

6. Apartment Therapy

Seguidores: 1.5M

La cuenta de Instagram de Apartment Therapy realmente es una fuente de terapia, si le encanta ver casas acogedoras. Si ha visto publicaciones en redes sociales de Apartment Therapy antes, tenga la seguridad de que las imágenes de las residencias en su cuenta de Instagram son igual de creativas.

Dos publicaciones recientes de Feed de Instagram de Apartment Therapy están debajo. Desde la sala de estar amigable para plantas de la izquierda hasta el cómodo marco A de la derecha, esta marca brinda a sus seguidores de Instagram mucha inspiración para personalizar su propio espacio y, según su biografía de Instagram, "vivir vidas felices y saludables en casa. "

 Cuenta de Apartment Therapy Instagram que muestra una sala de estar inspirada en plantas" srcset = "https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png ? t = 1527221885826 & width = 137 & name = apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png 137w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png?t= 1527221885826 & width = 273 & name = apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png 273w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png?t=1527221885826&width=410&name = apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png 410w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png?t=1527221885826&width=546&name=apartment- therapy-plant-living-room.png 546w, https: //cdn2.hubsp ot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png?t=1527221885826&width=683&name=apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png 683w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net /hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png?t=1527221885826&width=819&name=apartment-therapy-plant-living-room.png 819w "sizes =" (max-width: 273px) 100vw, 273px  Cuenta de Apartment Therapy Instagram que muestra el dormitorio en el apartamento A-frame "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-a-frame.png?t= 1527221885826 & width = 143 & name = apartment-therapy-a-frame.png 143w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-a-frame.png?t=1527221885826&width=286&name=apartment-therapy -a-frame.png 286w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-a-frame.png?t=1527221885826&width=429&name=apartment-therapy-a-frame.png 429w , https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/apartment-therapy-a-frame.png?t=1527221885826&width=572&name=apartment-therapy-a-frame.png 572w, https: // cdn2. hubspot.ne t / hub / 53 / hubfs / apartment-therapy-a-frame.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 715 & name = apartment-therapy-a-frame.png 715w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs /apartment-therapy-a-frame.png?t=1527221885826&width=858&name=apartment-therapy-a-frame.png 858w "sizes =" (max-width: 286px) 100vw, 286px

7. Ballet de la Ópera de París

Seguidores: 262k

La ciudad de París es conocida por muchas cosas encantadoras: vino, queso y arte son solo algunas de ellas. Pero ese último, el arte, se captura fotográficamente en la cuenta de Instagram del Ballet de la Ópera de París, o Ballet de la Ópera de París.

La cuenta captura imágenes espontáneas de los bailarines de ballet durante actuaciones, ensayos y entre bastidores, dando espectadores una visión ingeniosa de lo que entra en las producciones de ballet. También hace uso de algo llamado pancartas en Instagram, cuando las fotos más grandes se pueden dividir en múltiples imágenes para crear un banner de mosaico de fotos más pequeñas. (Hay varias aplicaciones disponibles para llevarlo a cabo, pero para empezar, mira Tile Pic ).

La forma en que esta cuenta destaca los lugares de representación es digna de mención. La tercera foto debajo de los dos primeros a continuación proporciona una prueba íntima de ensayo, transmitiendo una sensación arenosa entre bastidores que puede generar entusiasmo por las producciones.

 Cuenta Paris Opera Ballet Instagram que muestra el rendimiento de Crystal Pite "srcset =" https: //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png?t=1527221885826&width=134&name=paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png 134w, https: // cdn2 .hubspot.net / hub / 53 / hubfs / paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 267 & name = paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png 267w, https: //cdn2.hubspot. net / hub / 53 / hubfs / paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 401 & name = paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png 401w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub /53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png?t=1527221885826&width=534&name=paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png 534w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/ hubfs / parís-ópera-ballet-cristal-pite.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 668 & name = paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png 668w, ht tps: //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 801 & name = paris-opera-ballet-crystal-pite.png 801w "sizes =" (max-width: 267px) 100vw, 267px  Cuenta de Paris Opera Ballet Instagram que muestra bailarines masculinos "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers .png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 143 & name = paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png 143w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 286 & name = paris-opera-ballet-masculino-bailarines.png 286w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png?t=1527221885826&width = 429 & name = paris-opera-ballet-masculino-bailarines.png 429w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png?t=1527221885826&width=572&name= paris-opera-ballet-masculino-bailarines.png 572w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png?t=1527221885826&width=715&name=paris-opera -ballet-male-dancers.png 715w, https : //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 858 & name = paris-opera-ballet-male-dancers.png 858w "sizes =" ( ancho máximo: 286px) 100vw, 286px

8. Tentsile

Seguidores: 188k

"Impresionante" es la primera palabra que me viene a la mente cuando me desplazo por las fotos de Instagram de Tentsile. La compañía vende carpas para árboles, lo que ellos llaman "casas de árbol portátiles" que "llevarán literalmente su experiencia de campamento a un nuevo nivel". Su Instagram está lleno de escenas sorprendentemente bellas de su producto en uso en todo tipo de terreno: selvas tropicales, montañas, playas … lo que sea.

 Tentsile Instagram cuenta que muestra el camping "width =" 300 "height =" 300 " srcset = "https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=tentsile-instagram-1.png 150w, https: // cdn2. hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=tentsile-instagram-1.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs /tentsile-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=tentsile-instagram-1.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-1.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 600 & height = 600 & name = tentsile-instagram-1.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=tentsile -instagram-1.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826 & width = 900 & height = 900 & name = tentsile-instagram-1.png 900w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px  Tentsile cuenta de Instagram mostrando hamaca de agua "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset = "https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=tentsile-instagram-2.png 150w, https: //cdn2.hubspot. net / hub / 53 / hubfs / tentsile-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 300 & height = 300 & name = tentsile-instagram-2.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile -instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 450 & height = 450 & name = tentsile-instagram-2.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-2.png?t= 1527221885826 & width = 600 & height = 600 & name = tentsile-instagram-2.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=tentsile-instagram -2.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=tentsile-instagram-2.png 9 00w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

La publicación más interesante de Tentsile

 La publicación más atractiva de Instagram de Tentsile "width =" 465 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https: // cdn2. hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=233&height=150&name=tentsile-most-engaging-post.png 233w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub /53/hubfs/tentsile-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=465&height=300&name=tentsile-most-engaging-post.png 465w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/ tentsile-most-engageging-post.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 698 & height = 450 & name = tentsile-most-engageging-post.png 698w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-most-engaging -post.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 930 & height = 600 & name = tentsile-most-engageging-post.png 930w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-most-engaging-post.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 1163 & height = 750 & name = tentsile-most-engageging-post.png 1163w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/tentsile-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885 826 & width = 1395 & height = 900 & name = tentsile-most-engageging-post.png 1395w "sizes =" (max-width: 465px) 100vw, 465px

[ Haga clic aquí para ver la publicación.]

Por qué es interesante: Los concursos dibujan compromiso: es así de simple. En este caso particular, Tentsile usó un concurso de Instagram como una obra de marketing conjunto con algunos de sus socios al pedirles a los seguidores que siguieran tres cuentas de socios para poder ganar. Además de seguir esas cuentas, también le pidieron a las personas que le gustaran la foto y "etiquetaran a sus 3 mejores amigos de aventuras en los comentarios a continuación". Esa es una gran manera de expandir el alcance y hacer marketing compartido en Instagram.

9. Desenio

Seguidores: 594k

Observe los colores de cualquier marca conocida y notará que usan los mismos colores una y otra vez: en su logotipo, en su sitio web y en sus imágenes de redes sociales. Usar los mismos colores una y otra vez es una excelente manera de establecer la consistencia de la marca y ayudar a los consumidores a familiarizarse con su marca.

Eso es lo que la compañía de impresión en línea sueca Desenio hace maravillosamente en su cuenta de Instagram. Usan una gran cantidad de azules, verdes, grises y negros, que evocan sentidos de calma, curación, lujo y confianza.

 desenio-instagram-1.png "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset = "https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=desenio-instagram-1.png 150w, https: //cdn2.hubspot. net / hub / 53 / hubfs / desenio-instagram-1.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 300 & height = 300 & name = desenio-instagram-1.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio -instagram-1.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 450 & height = 450 & name = desenio-instagram-1.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-1.png?t= 1527221885826 & width = 600 & height = 600 & name = desenio-instagram-1.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=desenio-instagram -1.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=desenio-instagram-1.png 900w "sizes =" (ancho máximo: 30 0px) 100vw, 300px  desenio-instagram-2.png "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-2 .png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 150 & height = 150 & name = desenio-instagram-2.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height= 300 & name = desenio-instagram-2.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=desenio-instagram-2.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=desenio-instagram-2.png 600w, https: //cdn2.hubspot .net / hub / 53 / hubfs / desenio-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 750 & height = 750 & name = desenio-instagram-2.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/ desenio-instagram-2.png? t = 1527221885826 & width = 900 & height = 900 & name = desen-instagram-2.png 900w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

El mensaje más atractivo de Desenio

 El más de Desenio comprometerme nstagram post "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name= desenio-most-engageging-post.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=desenio-most-engaging -post.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=desenio-most-engaging-post.png 450w , https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=desenio-most-engaging-post.png 600w, https: // cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/desenio-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=desenio-most-engaging-post.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net /hub/53/hubfs/desenio-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=desenio-most-engaging-post.png 900w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px [19659065] [<a href= Click here to see the post.]

Why it's engaging: At first glance, this post doesn't seem to stick out much from Desenio's other Instagram content. But what's unique about it is the universally relatable subject: a really beautiful, comfortable-looking bed in a beautiful bedroom, combined with hints of life like a laptop and some munchies.

Many of the comments included exclamations of how beautiful and inspiring the setup is and how it's the commenters' "dream bedroom." To increase your comment rate, follow Desenio's lead by posting images of things and situations your followers aspire to in their own lives.

10. No Your City

Followers: 26k

The folks at No Your City produce a documentary series that captures the fascinating stories of people all over the world, but mostly in New York. The brand's Instagram account, though, is less about these stories and more about showcasing gorgeous images from the city itself.

What we love about these photos is how closely they follow the best practices for taking great photos with your phone. Each one of No Your City's photos seems to follow at least one of these recommendations, whether it's focusing on a single subject, embracing negative space, playing with reflections, or finding interesting perspectives. The photos are consistently stunning, and as a result, the brand has built a solid following.

No Your City Instagram account showing Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan, New York" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png?t=1527221885826&width=139&name=no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png 139w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png?t=1527221885826&width=278&name=no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png 278w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png?t=1527221885826&width=417&name=no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png 417w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png?t=1527221885826&width=556&name=no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png 556w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png?t=1527221885826&width=695&name=no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png 695w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/n o-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png?t=1527221885826&width=834&name=no-your-city-instagram-radio-city.png 834w" sizes="(max-width: 278px) 100vw, 278pxNo Your City Instagram account showing brownstone apartment in Brooklyn, New York" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png?t=1527221885826&width=139&name=no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png 139w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png?t=1527221885826&width=278&name=no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png 278w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png?t=1527221885826&width=417&name=no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png 417w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png?t=1527221885826&width=556&name=no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png 556w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-bro wnstone.png?t=1527221885826&width=695&name=no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png 695w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png?t=1527221885826&width=834&name=no-your-city-instagram-brooklin-brownstone.png 834w" sizes="(max-width: 278px) 100vw, 278px

11. Vans

Followers: 11.4M

Vans is known for its stylish shoes, but the brand's use of social media is just as stylish. Its Instagram business account is no exception.

The maker of the classic checkered slip-ons has an aggressively flashy Instagram feed, featuring both standalone product shots and action photos of people expressing themselves in their favorite Vans gear.

Vans' Instagram account's most unique quality is likely how much skateboarding content it has. The brand doesn't just appeal to teenage skaters anymore, but it shows its loyalty to that lifestyle in an engaging way. Below, Vans features an Indian girl with a caption that describes her as the "only girl who regularly skateboards in her town."

Vans Instagram featuring Kamali, an Indian girl who skateboards

Vans' Most Engaging Post

Why it's engaging: Vans' recent video, above, teases a vague but enticing partnership with Marvel Comics. This campaign alone displayed a logo that attracted not just Vans fans, but Marvel fans who likely wanted to know when they can expect new shoes with a decal of their favorite Marvel super hero. The video received more than half a million views.

12. Divinity LA Bracelets

Followers: 251k

Here's an example of a small business performing very well on Instagram. A beaded bracelet could have any theme.

divinity-la-instagram-1.png" width="300" height="300" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=divinity-la-instagram-1.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=divinity-la-instagram-1.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=divinity-la-instagram-1.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=divinity-la-instagram-1.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=divinity-la-instagram-1.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=divinity-la-instagram-1.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300p xDivinity LA Bracelets Instagram account showing woman kayaking" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=divinity-la-instagram-2.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=divinity-la-instagram-2.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=divinity-la-instagram-2.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=divinity-la-instagram-2.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=divinity-la-instagram-2.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=divinity-la-instagram-2.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Divinity's Most E ngaging Post

Divinity LA Bracelets' most engaging Instagram post" width="300" height="300" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&na me=divinity-la-most-engaging-post.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Why it's engaging: The caption reads: "Each Sea Turtle and Hatchling bracelet sold helps a Hatchling make it to the ocean." People tagged their friends to show them the cute sea turtles, or to say "WE NEED TO SAVE THEM!"

13. WeWork

Followers: 283k

WeWork provides shared office spaces in cities and countries all over the globe — so it only makes sense that they should post a lot of photos showcasing their beautiful co-working communities. They do an amazing job photographing the spaces in ways that make followers like us wish we could jump into the photos and plop down with our laptops and a coffee.

They don't stop at posting photos of their shared workspaces, though. WeWork uses Instagram to capture and share moments from some of the largest branded events that members (and their friends) look forward to all year, like WeWork Summer Camp. Hashtags are used to label these events — like #WWCamp — and to encourage customers to share their own photos of the spaces, using WeWork's memorable slogan: "Do what you love."

Our favorite is the #DogsOfWeWork hashtag. Not only is it awesome because, well, dogs … but it's also a great way for the company to promote their laid-back culture while also inviting customers to interact with their brand on social. Near the end of each year, they actually choose the best photo submissions to the #DogsOfWeWork hashtag on Instagram and Facebook and put together a calendar for the following year.

WeWork Instagram account showing wall graffiti 'Do What You Love'" title="we-work-instagram-1.png" caption="falseCreative WeWork office space" title="we-work-instagram-5.png" caption="false" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=145&name=we-work-instagram-5.png 145w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=290&name=we-work-instagram-5.png 290w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=435&name=we-work-instagram-5.png 435w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=580&name=we-work-instagram-5.png 580w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=725&name=we-work-instagr am-5.png 725w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=870&name=we-work-instagram-5.png 870w" sizes="(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290pxCreative WeWork office space with mural and palm trees" title="we-work-instagram-7.png" caption="false" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-7.png?t=1527221885826&width=146&name=we-work-instagram-7.png 146w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-7.png?t=1527221885826&width=292&name=we-work-instagram-7.png 292w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-7.png?t=1527221885826&width=438&name=we-work-instagram-7.png 438w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-7.png?t=1527221885826&width=584&name=we-work-instagram-7.png 584w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-7.png?t=1527221885826&width=730&name=we-work-instagram-7.png 730w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-7.png?t=1527221885826&width=876 &name=we-work-instagram-7.png 876w" sizes="(max-width: 292px) 100vw, 292pxwe-work-instagram-6.png" title="we-work-instagram-6.png" caption="false" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=146&name=we-work-instagram-6.png 146w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=291&name=we-work-instagram-6.png 291w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=437&name=we-work-instagram-6.png 437w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=582&name=we-work-instagram-6.png 582w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=728&name=we-work-instagram-6.png 728w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=873&name=we-work-instagram-6.png 873w" sizes="(max-width: 291px) 100vw, 291px

WeWork's Most Engaging Post

WeWork's mos t engaging Instagram post showing sign 'Work Hard & Be Nice to People'" width="300" height="300" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=we-work-most-engaging-post.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=we-work-most-engaging-post.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=we-work-most-engaging-post.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=we-work-most-engaging-post.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=we-work-most-engaging-post.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/we-work-most-engaging-post.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=we-work-most-engaging-post.png 900w" sizes=" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

[Click here to see the post.]

Why it's engaging: For all their beautiful photos of people and office spaces and dogs, some of you might be surprised that their most engaging photo of all time is a picture of a simple quote. This goes to show the power of motivational quotes on Instagram, which tend to perform very well. Instagram is, after all, a platform for inspiration — and simple quotes that are inspiring and easy to digest are often welcome in a user's feed.

Use free design tools like Canva, PicMonkey, or even PowerPoint to create these images easily.

14. Finfolk Productions

Followers: 202k

Ever wanted to be a mermaid? You can come pretty close, thanks to companies like FinFolk Productions. Believe it or not, silicone mermaid tails you can put on and swim around in are actually quite trendy in certain areas and for certain age groups — typically young girls, which is one of Instagram's core users.

Finfolk Productions' Instagram feed is full of beautifully shot photos that play into the mermaid fantasy by looking more like mythical art than real people.

Finfolk Productions Instagram account showing woman underwater wearing mermaid fin" width="300" height="300" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png 450w, htt ps://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-1-1.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300pxFinfolk Productions Instagram account showing mermaid fins" width="300" height="300" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-pro ductions-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=fin-folk-productions-instagram-2.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

Finfolk Productions' Most Engaging Post

Finfolk Productions' most engaging Instagram post" width="300" height="300" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&height=150&name=fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-producti ons-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&height=300&name=fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=450&name=fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&height=600&name=fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&height=750&name=fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=900&name=fin-folk-productions-most-engaging.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

[Click here to see the post]

Why it's engaging: One of the reasons this post was so popular is because it was accompanied by a l ong, heartfelt caption written by the company's founders — which prompted an outpouring of supportive comments from their loyal followers. Here's part of that caption, below:

Wish you could be part of our world? The good news is, you already are- just by being here! We might not always have custom silicone slots or Mythic tails readily available, but it's only because we are busy constantly creating and making mermaid tails for every type of mermaid, in every size or color, gender or nationality … A tail is an investment of time, money, and emotions- each one is unique and beautiful, just like you.

#finfolk #finfolkproductions #thelittlemermaid #littlemermaid #ariel #partofyourworld #mermaid #mermaidtail #disney #mermaidlife #finfolkmermaid

Commenters wrote that they love the founders for their dedication to beauty and quality, that they love the designs, and that they can't wait until they have a tail of their own. What it all comes down to, though, is brand loyalty.

15. Shiseido

Followers: 392k

Shiseido started out as Japan's first Western-style pharmacy 140 years ago and has since developed into selling high-quality brightening and anti-aging skincare, makeup, and fragrance products.

Its company mission is to inspire a life of beauty and culture — a mission they portray beautifully through their Instagram content. If you take a look at their feed, you'll notice they post three images at a time so the posts appear in a row pattern on their larger feed — a very clever and original way to organize their content.

shiseido-instagram-content-1.png" width="450" height="603" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/shiseido-instagram-content-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=225&height=302&name=shiseido-instagram-content-1.png 225w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/shiseido-instagram-content-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&height=603&name=shiseido-instagram-content-1.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/shiseido-instagram-content-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=675&height=905&name=shiseido-instagram-content-1.png 675w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/shiseido-instagram-content-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&height=1206&name=shiseido-instagram-content-1.png 900w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/shiseido-instagram-content-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=1125&height=1508&name= shiseido-instagram-content-1.png 1125w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/shiseido-instagram-content-1.png?t=1527221885826&width=1350&height=1809&name=shiseido-instagram-content-1.png 1350w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px

Shiseido's Most Engaging Post


A post shared by SHISEIDO (@shiseido) on

Why it's engaging: Back in late March 2016, Instagram started rolling out the ability to upload 60-second videos — and we've seen some amazing Instagram videos from brands ever since, like the one above from Shiseido. This one is much shorter than a minute, but its close-up product demo above is curiously satisfying to watch.

But don't be intimidated by highly professional Instagram videos like theirs. You can post highly engaging videos on Instagram without a huge video team or a bottomless budget. Here's a step-by-step guide for making great videos on Instagram without breaking the bank.

16. Sephora Collections

Followers: 322k

Sephora Collections' brand personality is playful, colorful, and feminine. It does a wonderful job of characterizing this personality in its Instagram content, using bright colors, patterns, and fun captions.

This branded Sephora account also diversifies its feed with a lot of fun Instagram video content that gives off the same playful vibes.

Sephora Collection's Most Engaging Post

Why it's engaging: No matter what channel you're creating content for, real stories of real people resonate with your audience. In the video above, Sephora is promoting the hashtag, #lipstories, which spotlights the experience of real Sephora makeup user.

17. Staples

Followers: 55.2k

The folks at Staples do a lot of things right when it comes to Instagram content, but there are two that particularly grab our attention — engaging with followers by asking questions and including calls-to-action in captions, and staying true to the brand's playful-yet-practical personality.

When it comes to engaging Staples' followers, it's all about asking questions in the photo captions. For example, check out the second photo below featuring a series of emojis — its caption reads, "That's pretty much our day. How about yours? Tell us in emojis." Scroll through the comments on that photoand you'll see followers had a lot of fun responses. The caption paired with the first photo below — the one with the cupcakes — asks users to tag someone who they want to thank.

Staples does a great job staying true to brand by posting fun photos such as the "2016" shot written in office supplies and using the #OfficeHack hashtag to engage their following.

staples-instagram-5.png" title="staples-instagram-5.png" caption="false" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=145&name=staples-instagram-5.png 145w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=290&name=staples-instagram-5.png 290w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=435&name=staples-instagram-5.png 435w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=580&name=staples-instagram-5.png 580w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=725&name=staples -instagram-5.png 725w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-5.png?t=1527221885826&width=870&name=staples-instagram-5.png 870w" sizes="(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290pxstaples-instagram-2.png" title="staples-instagram-2.png" srcset="//cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=145&name=staples-instagram-2.png 145w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=290&name=staples-instagram-2.png 290w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=435&name=staples-instagram-2.png 435w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=580&name=staples-instagram-2.png 580w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=725&name=staples-instagram-2.png 725w, //cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-2.png?t=1527221885826&width=870&name=staples-instagram-2.png 870w" sizes="(max-width: 290px) 100vw, 290px[19659172]staples-instagram-6.png" title="staples-instagram-6.png" caption="false" srcset="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=150&name=staples-instagram-6.png 150w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=300&name=staples-instagram-6.png 300w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=450&name=staples-instagram-6.png 450w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=600&name=staples-instagram-6.png 600w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=750&name=staples-instagram-6.png 750w, https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/53/hubfs/staples-instagram-6.png?t=1527221885826&width=900&name=staples-instagram-6.png 900w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px

The folks at Staples also use Instagram to post cute videos and GIFs, like the one below that shows businesses how they can use Staples supplies to create a "revamped breakroom."

Ready to populate your Instagram Story with pics and videos that are as captivating as the content above? We believe in you — just download the free branding guide below and get to posting.

Instagram for Business


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